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Lose weight for the summer

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Lose weight for the summer

Ebook in PDF format, 29 pages, German

5,45 EUR

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Women adore him and men are simply envious when they see Portuguese football hero Cristiano Ronaldo with a naked upper body. "The most sexiest football player in the world" was the headline of one gazette. This refers above all to his six-pack abs. Experts say Ronaldo has the perfect body and is considered the most beautiful footballer in the world. 

What makes a flat stomach and, to top it off, a washboard stomach so erotic? Why do women regularly go into ecstasy and rapture when they see the Chippendales with their muscle bodies in dance shows? Let's be clear: washboard abs are the epitome of youth, health and beauty. A flat stomach is simply more appetising and beautiful to look at than a flabby beer belly or women with "lifebuoys". A flat stomach is much more erotic. And the men behind it are simply more desirable. Women in bikinis with a firm belly and a taut backside are the eye-catcher par excellence.

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