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Lose weight without dieting

Item No.: 1043 | Manufacturer:

Lose weight without dieting

Ebook in PDF format, 64 pages, German

5,45 EUR

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You will successfully tread the path to the dream figure, but without some prerequisites it is not possible even with our method, with the "basic laws".

You have to prepare yourself a little, get your "tools", your "equipment" ready. You can't climb the Matterhorn in high heels or hit a target 50 metres away with a toy bow.

With our method, however, you don't need any special equipment, only what is available in a normal household anyway. The most important thing you need, however, is your head and your heart. Without awareness of what you are going to do and without moving forward courageously, you cannot reach your goal. The "basic laws" show you an accessible path to the summit, without miracle cures, without fashionable touches.

But if you follow this path, the summit - the dream figure - will be yours permanently, without yo-yo effect, without constant up and down. Save yourself the frustration of not being able to reach your goal one day, despite all your efforts.

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